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How To Watch Country Restricted Videos On YouTube

YouTube entertain us in many ways, and disappoint us in few countable ways by displaying “This video is not available in your country”, asking us to login to watch age restricted videos, ads without “skip this ad” option. Actually its not YouTube that disappoint us, its the video creator who restricts users from viewing the video. There may be many reasons behind the restriction as we can’t interfere with it. But we can watch country restricted video without a hassle, just by installing a extension to our browser. Do follow the instructions below to watch country restricted videos on YouTube.
  • Download and install Hola extension to your web browser.

  • Go to and click on the Hola extension icon in the top right corner of browser.
  • Choose the country that you would like to browse the webpage from, its better to choose US.
  • Hola will start finding peers, test the connection and reload the page once the country is changed.
  • That’s it! Now you can watch country restricted videos without a problem.
  • You can change the country anytime by clicking the icon, if you’ve problem in browsing from US change it any other country which works.